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Visualization Mastery 2.0

Have you been using vision boards, goal setting, and lots of mental effort to create more of what you want in life, with little to no results? 

Let me guess, you've got images on your phone you look at several times a day, mind movies on your desk top, and think about your dreams and aspirations constantly. You even feel guilty when you don't because you once heard an expert that if you don't hold your visions in your mind, nothing will happen.

So, what gives? Why can't you make your dreams turn into realities, faster?

Turning thoughts to things, specifically your visions into experiences, isn't about intellect fortitude. It's not about how creative you are in your thoughts or how disciplined in your mental habits. 

Visualization is an intellectual faculty, yes, but one that begins on a much more basic, simpler level. Visualization has been massively misunderstood for centuries. It's time to change that, clearing up misunderstandings, rumors, and myths.

In VM 201, you're learning how to use the innate tool of visualization, also known as imagination, to assist you in creating more of the good stuff in life. Using the 3 most effective learning tools of audio, video, and text, you'll discover what visualization trulyis, how it works, and why visualization success is not about thinking harder or dreaming bigger. You'll learn why it's difficult to mentally envision the unforeseeable future, why attempting this slows your results, and what you can do to soften your angst.

VM 201 is for advanced, self-motivated students who thrive on taking their learning—what to do and when to do it, into their own hands. Because of the unique design of this class, the transformational activities are strategically interwoven directly into the text.This is not a step-by-step, or a do this and then that and you'll get XYZ result, class. It caters to the creative student who's an independent decision maker. Students are required to choose the right activities for them, independently integrate the ideas in real life, and SEEK GUIDANCE when they have questions or concerns about anything.

Enroll today!