$159.00 USD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

By checking this box, you agree to the Terms of Service for this limited-time offer.

The refund policy is stated, and by checking the box, you are stating you have read and agree to the terms and conditions of this offer.


Due to the limited number of spots available for this bootcamp, no refund of the first month's payment can be given if your credit card is processed after midnight CST on July 9.

BEFORE JULY 9 at midnight CST: A full refund can be given minus a $25 credit card processing and administrative fee.

AFTER JULY 9 at midnight CST:

If we've processed your first month's payment of $159, it can not be refunded. A credit is issued instead and be used for two 1-to-1 private 60-minute coaching sessions with Allison—if you have not attended any group sessions and are canceling before the BootCamp begins on July 11.

You can also use the $159 credit for lifetime admission to a combination of online self-guided classes equal to $159.

AFTER JULY 11: Depending on how many payments have been made (1, 2, or 3) and how many sessions you've attended, you'll work with Allison to find the best coaching/instructional option for you as a substitute for the sessions you'll miss because you need to cancel your participation in the BootCamp midway through.

Thank you for understanding that no refunds can be given, full or partial, once your credit card is processed on the first, second, and third payments.

You can use your credit for coaching or online classes.

The Confident Intuitive 10-Week Bootcamp

Bootcamp online live sessions take place from July 11-Sept 12.

Learn the secrets to hearing, trusting, and following your intuition. Trust yourself and gain confidence in this 10-week LIVE ONLINE interactive group coaching (focusing on individualization) experience.

What you'll get:

  • 10 LIVE SESSIONS of intuitive training, 60 minutes each.
  • Recording of all sessions 
  • Lifetime access to The Confident Intuitive Bootcamp recordings


  • PDF of Allison's most recent book, The Halfways: A Guidebook to Strengthening Your Intuitive Connection ($15 value)
  • 3 months of complimentary admission to the Accelerate Your Mojo Monthly Membership Group with live monthly coaching sessions ($141 Value, Begins After Bootcamp ends)
  • Lifetime access to the prerecorded online summit titled Intuition for Everyday Living Masterclass featuring 20+ intuitive experts ($79 Value)
  • Any supplemental materials participants need for continued learning and success will be added as we move through the weeks. This is decided in class and individualized. The Confident Intuitive Bootcamp experience is customized for the students enrolled.

[Cancellation of BootCamp participation voids all bonus offers. By checking the Terms and Conditions box, you agree to the terms of service for this offer.]