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Why does this keep happening to me?!

anxiety fear why does this happen to me May 09, 2023

"No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river, and he's not the same man."



Have you ever thought or said, Why does this keep happening to me?! 

Most people have, including me.

It's challenging to break free of the POV that life is happening to us instead of through us. Making peace with the idea that we create our reality takes time, knowledge, and awareness.

Let's start at the beginning.

We are Nonphysical consciousness experiencing itself through the physical lens. When you tap out, you reintegrate with omniscient and omnipresent Nonphysical energy—the real you.

When I was 20 and my Mom was 53, she got pancreatic cancer. It was a short couple of weeks from diagnosis to death. After she exhaled her last breath, I understood that our consciousness lives on. Don't ask me how I knew; I just did. 

It was one of those crazy psychic experiences you "never asked for" and aren't sure what to do with, so you never speak of it to anyone until you get older and realize stuff like this happens to many people, and it's not as strange as you initially thought.

I could feel that all of Mom's negative feelings had disappeared. Instantly, she reemerged into the unconditional love of Source. Poof—life after "death." She didn't take any feelings of anger or revenge with her to "the other side."

Source is the word I use to describe the intelligence of the universe. You might also say Universal Intelligence, God, Allah, Yahweh, or the Almighty. I believe in an unconditionally loving Source from whence we came and to which we're always connected. I do not think there is a force "outside of us" punishing or righteously judging.

There are seemingly disconnected internal and external realities when engaged in the physical POV. It's like living as a cyclops when you only look at like through your physical lens. You only get one POV.

From a physical perspective, you have positive and negative beliefs working with feelings (hormones) reinforcing experiences. Without this co-creative relationship between thoughts and feelings, you wouldn't engage with reality because it would not seem real. 

You engage with the world because things feel real.

To free yourself from the sense of victimization—the "to me" part of the above statement:

  1. Use a binocular perspective.
  2. Recognize your Nonphysical and physical POVs are different.
  3. Acknowledge that you are a spirit NOW, not just after you tap out of the corporal view. 

When things feel like they're happening TO you, you look at life through your physical POV. It appears a disconnected external world is springing itself upon you without consent. The physical POV allows you the unique perspective of feeling out of control.

The only way to have a physical experience—at all, is by invoking the physical POV. Your broader, connected-to-Source OG perspective makes a new, "encapsulated" POV that appears disconnected from the real you. The encapsulation process creates a sense of division between you and your authentic spiritual self. 

You can't have a physical experience unless you've created a "lens of separation" WITHIN your broader perspective.

When my Mom died, we both experienced the disintegration of her "lens of separation." Because the broader part of you IS unconditional love, we reintegrate when the idea of division disappears. The capsule containing her physical POV broke open and spilled into her broader, connected to All-That-Is essence.

Physical death insists we let go of the illusion of separation. We see things as they indeed are—connected.

When you feel as if circumstances are happening THROUGH you, you see life through the Nonphysical lens. You're looking at life from the standpoint of vibration, relativity, and creativity. You don't feel out of control when you understand it's an inside-out reality you're witnessing.

Using your ability to switch from one perspective to another is the exact thing that frees you from the sense of victimization. I call this "psychic flexibility." Why does this keep happening to me?! becomes What would I believe is true ABOUT MYSELF to feel the way I do right now?

Before furrowing your brow, scrunching your nose, and thinking, I don't have a victim mentality. I'm a "positive vibes only" kind of gal! I practice gratitude. I am kind. I work hard. remember that you're reading a blog titled, Why does this keep happening to me? You're reading because the title resonates.

Everyone has a victim mentality when looking at life through the disconnected physical POV. It is **unavoidable**. It is a natural part of being human. You don't need to eliminate it to understand yourself better, be grateful, and love life. While you are human, you will have some degree of victimization (even if momentarily) when looking through the physical lens. It is—by default, a lens of division, separation, and isolation. 

Admitting that there are things you feel happen TO you is the first step in finding inner peace. It is not wrong to honor how you feel, even if that feeling occurs for 5 seconds. It's part of the perspective of being human. We all experience it. You are not keeping yourself from better things by reacting organically to stressful or surprising situations.

You repeat the sensation of experiences by not understanding your emotional guidance system and shifting your POV, after the initial 10-15 seconds of an authentic reaction.

Let's move on to the "keep happening" part of the statement, Why does this KEEP happening to me?

If you feel something keeps happening, there's a belief in repetition. "It" keeps happening—repeatedly.

It's not the same thing happening because—it's not the same people, places, or circumstances. And you are NOT the same person. 

You've had billions of NEW, original, never before seen moments between the last time this feeling occurred and now.

Switch up the statement to read, "Why does this FEEL like the same situation?" Feelings are what anchor us to this reality. If something doesn't feel real, we don't engage. What belief is active right now to create what I feel?

The idea of something happening to you implies that you are the victim of something or something else. Victimization is the most challenging POV to alter for humans. Most don't believe we are empowered to create our realities. We feel as if random things are occurring all over the universe out of our control.

It's not a matter of what happens to you, it how you view it afterward that matters most.

To escape the FEELING of victimization we ALL have at some point, shift the question from, Why does this keep happening to me? to What do I believe (right now) that is creating the FEELING in my body?

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