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When Messages from Spirit Guides Aren't Clear

channeling mediumship spirit messages Oct 15, 2023

Are you confused about spirit messages?

Are you unsure of what is and isn't a message?

Do you wonder if you're receiving any communication at all?

You're not alone in your confusion. This is a common challenge when you first become aware of your psychic abilities. It might feel like you're blocked, don't get any messages, or don't have an intuitive bone in your body.

When this happens, and what you want more than anything is to be aware and understand spirit communications, it can feel frustrating. You might feel you're "just not intuitive" or "not worthy" of your spirit guides' love and attention.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. As I understand this reality, much of our frustration is due to a misunderstanding about spirit communication.

You're being sent messages yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, minute-by-minute, and every second. You ARE Spirit creating the illusion of physical reality. You've never left spirit; your spirit can always communicate with other spirits.

Everyone has TWO simultaneous vibrational perspectives: spirit (Nonphysical)—which is CONSISTENTLY harmonious with unconditional love (the frequency of existence itself), and physical— which is variable. In its magnificence, the physical perspective can create (from the 100% connection it has to Spirit because it IS spirit) the idea of diminishment, separation, and disconnection. It's that powerful.

When you feel that spirit messages aren't clear, you're looking at your experience solely through the physical lens, harmoniously resonating with the idea of being unable to receive and understand spirit communication and creating the experience of being blocked or unsure.

When you match the "I can't" frequency, you won't.

When you match the frequency of your spirit self's broader, more connected POV, you do—automatically.

You don't need to DO anything specific to receive clear spirit communication other than stop looking through the physical lens of "I'm blocked" and shift to the already active spirit lens of "I am."

As I often do when beginning esoteric conversations, I start at the beginning.

You are SPIRIT, creating the experience of physical reality. Physicality is transitory; spirit consciousness is eternal.

How do you know physical reality is an illusion, a projection of Spirit consciousness? It needs to be maintained (focused upon) to exist, eventually disappearing. Your spirit consciousness exists without needing to be kept up; it is eternally maintenance-free.

WHO you are is a (non-physical) spirit. What you make with your creative non-physical energy is the experience of being a human with physical senses, dimensions (space), new POVs (points of view), continuity, and consecutive order (time).

Your spirit POV is omniscient; your physical POV is first-person limited.

Your spirit self knows this worldly experience is secondary to who you are. You are Spirit creating the transitory physical experience. You are still in Spirit now. You did not leave the Nonphysical spirit state to become human. The human POV is being created within the "confines" of your Spirit consciousness.

Consciousness's primary existence is that of spirit. The POV of being physical is "an addendum" to your neverending, eternal script.

From your physical POV, it appears that being a physical being is the most critical thing in the world. It feels like there is nothing before or after and that your physical existence is the end-all-be-all of life itself. This POV is a limited-time, cut-off-from-the-whole experience.

What's the purpose of this limited-time, physical experience? To know yourself from a new POV. You're "here" and "now" to see yourself and your experiences from a lens you could not have otherwise. That's so exciting! This is how the multiverse expands, by the way. The One Moment: Here and Now being seen from new POVs is HOW creation expands. Here and Now, the One Moment doesn't expand. Here is The One Place (in space). Now is The One Point (in time). Spirit seeing Here and Now from infinite new POVs is the HOW of expansion. Isn't that the most fun idea? Source is such a clever energy! 

The physical lens is one of disconnection from the whole. This is one of the non-negotiable rules of gameplay. While it may not seem like it, it excited you to think that there would be things that would appear hidden or "blocked."

As a baby, you did not understand object permanence. If your parents hid behind the couch, you either cried because you "knew" they had disappeared or didn't give a hoot. Either way, you believed they were gone because you no longer had visual or audio confirmation.

Understanding spirit communication is a lot like understanding object permanence as a growing child. There comes a point where you KNOW that just because an object is out of sight doesn't mean it's gone.

Similarly, your spirit might be "out of sight," but it's never gone. The same goes for transitioned loved ones, spirit guides, soul teams, and other forms of eternal beings. Out of sight doesn't mean unavailable. Your spirit guides are always and forever interested in, paying attention to, and communicating about your goings-on. 

From your non-physical POV, you were stoked (in spirit) to rediscover ideas and POVs tucked away inside your overall consciousness.

Receiving messages from your spirit guides, Higher Self, soul, Oversoul, transitioned loved ones, etc., is one of the experiences you knew would appear hidden when engaged in the physical perspective.

In other words, this whole process of feeling less and disconnected was expected and planned.

Think of it this way: your spirit has a view from the mountaintop. It sees it all unfolding. It has been sending and will keep sending "messages" no matter how diminished (negative) your thoughts and feelings become.

Your physical POV is akin to being on the path walking through the bramble. Leaves and branches obscure your line of sight. It appears from your physical POV that you'll never get to where you want to go.


However, simultaneously, you have the POV of a spirit who sees it all: the landscape, the weather, the infinite possibilities of all potential pathways and obstacles.

Most people forget they are spirits creating the dimensions of physicality, which can be used to create a sense of disconnection and blockage. Remember, your omniscient spirit POV is your dominant POV. Engaging this POV more easily identifies how spirit communication happens daily.

The remedy to feeling blocked and disconnected is to shift your POV. All that is required is a little practice to "grease the psychic wheels."

For those who read fiction, you're familiar with books offering different POVs. When writing a fiction novel, authors typically decide from which POV (1st, 3rd, or Ominicient) to construct their novel.

How are you constructing this life's story? Are you excited about continuing the chapter on perceived disconnection? Or are you entering a new chapter about dissolving perceived blockages?

There is no right or wrong way to proceed. It is not "bad" to continue editing the "chapter" where you feel disconnected.

There is value in it all. There is nothing that doesn't serve you. 

For those moving on to a new chapter, let's spend a few minutes flushing out what's happening when it feels like spirit messages are blocked.

As we determined, spirit messages are always coming your way. You are spirit. Spirit already knows how to speak spirit.

Through the human lens of disconnection, we focus on ideas such as "I can't hear my spirit guides" or "I'm not intuitive." The intense focus on these story structures creates the PERCEPTION of realness.

Your physical POV is real. It's not imagined ... meaning made up in a way that doesn't benefit you. To clarify, you're using your imagination to create your entire physical experience. Creativity is the purpose of the imaginative faculty.

Your emotions are constantly reinforcing this creative spiritscape. This is why it FEELS like you're actually disconnected or blocked. Feelings reinforce active beliefs such as I'm blocked. When something keeps feeling real, it remains active. It feels en pointe, experientially, even though it's not mechanistically accurate.

Mechanistically, spirit messages are being delivered all the time. Experientially, it seems like you're not getting any information.

How do we move to the time-space where the mechanics of this reality match your experience? Practice shifting your POV and redefining what spirit messages are.

If you are spirit entertaining a human POV (and you are), you have preconceived notions about what spirit messages look, sound, and feel like.

Perhaps you saw a reality TV show when you were 25 years old where clairvoyance was the primary spirit connection, and it reinforced that belief you can't receive spirit messages because you don't identify as a clairvoyant. So now you feel blocked.

Use your imagination to create the experience of being connected. Imagine all the new and different ways spirit communications happen in this Here and Now.

Suppose I told you Spirit communicates through thoughts that seem like yours. In that case, it connects using exciting inclinations and never expects you to accept ideas you don't resonate with. Can you imagine that possibility?

Instead of inflexible demands, Spirit communicates with preexisting individualized inclinations and curiosities. It uses what it has on hand to send love and support; its communication methods are infinitely imaginative. It automatically works its message into your PATH OF MOST ALLOWANCE.

For example, let's say you love watching Netflix. Spirit will use your emotional involvement with fictionalized characters to "offer up" new ideas and ways of invoking inspired action in real life.

Maybe one day, you're watching a baking show. You're hoping for some inspiration regarding a birthday cake for your son.

Have you ever thought such a "normal" scenario might be entirely spirit-guided? What if the thought "watch The Great British Baking Show and skip to episode five" is a spirit communication?

If you have preconceived notions (and we ALL do—they're called "existing beliefs") about what does and doesn't constitute spirit communication, you'll miss it when it happens.

Instead, you'll feel blocked.

But you don't have to feel "blocked." Instead, relax your definition of what is and is not spirit communication. Remember that Spirit communicates with you 24/7 because you are in spirit right Here and Now; you never left Spirit.

Ask questions such as, "What am I missing here? If a spirit (mine or that of someone else) is sending messages all the time, and I'm missing them because I believe spirit messages only come in certain ways, how can I shift my POV to be more expanded and inclusive?"

Let me know how it goes and what you loved about this post. I'd love to hear from you.

If you enjoyed this post and it helped expand your POV, you'll love my upcoming online summit from Oct. 21-28, 2023. It's called The Best Intuitive Training Summit on the Planet and is outstanding training for the new to intermediate intuitive who wants clarity and confidence. I've saved you a seat! Register today. You don't want to miss it! Learn more here!

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