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What happens when someone reads my energy?

consciousness past lives Jun 13, 2023

The world of intuition, mediumship, channeling, and energy healers is booming. It's exciting to know that more and more people are tuning into their spiritual selves and connecting more deeply daily.

When you can't seem to (or don't want to) read energy yourself but want some help figuring out what's going on, seeking outside help from those with experience is a popular option.

What happens when you visit a physic or energy healer and they tell you who you've been in a past life? What happens when you receive an energy healing or information on potential future outcomes or medical issues?

While the experience of past lives is real, mechanically speaking, you never live a "past" life." 🤯

The past is a mental construct experienced through the present-moment physical lens. The "past" never happens because of how this reality functions. That can be a bizarre and disorienting idea when your whole life is based on the idea that a consistent past, present and future timeline glues your life (as you know it) together.

The good news is that you're continually expanding into ever more inclusive versions of yourself—and never someone else. It's liberating to know that you can re-member (i.e., put together in a new way) your past by linking to different expressions of your current soul experience.

What happens when it feels like you've connected with a past life as a different person? Any other energy personality constructs you connect with and feel as if they are you EXIST RIGHT NOW.

They are not you, but if you have no other way to interpret what you're experiencing, it will filter through your belief in reincarnation and FEEL like it was you. Since there is no other "logical" way to process the information, you settle on the idea that you repeatedly die and are reborn as someone else.

[I am well aware that millions of people believe in re-incarnation. Some religions and careers depend on the current definition to survive. ✌️💕 I mean no disrespect to anyone by suggesting that while the IDEA and EXPERIENCE are real, we don't "go back and forth" from heaven to earth—mechanically speaking. It FEELS like we do because of our current beliefs about life and death. But as consciousness expands, we learn more about the true nature of consciousness and this time-space reality experience. I, too, translated experiences as reincarnation until I started channeling and receiving new POVs about what creates this uniquely human experience. When ideas are deeply ingrained, some will defend them at all costs when new ideas surface. Again, I am speaking from a technical, how-the-mechanics-of-it-all-works standpoint suggesting that we do not experience multiple lifetimes as different people. However, the EXPERIENCE of reincarnation is valid and real. Experiential learning is all we have in life.]

You can connect with other energy constructs (people, spirits, fairies, angels, God) anytime and anywhere. So can the energy healer you had a session with.

If you (or she) actively believe in past lives as they're traditionally defined, you can interpret your NOW experiences through that lens, creating meaning.

While 1756 CE (AD) is classically defined as the past when viewed through the linear time-space (past-present-future) lens, and we're currently in 2023 CE, it "makes sense" that if an energy healer says you were Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart born in 1756 and that resonates with you, then you were. You do tinkle the ivories quite well. But this is not why. 😘

But you never were because you are always you and ever-expanding.

You can resonate with any energy personality construct that exists now. You can connect with someone focused on the time-space of 1756 Austria, but you will never be anyone but yourself.


Instead of thinking you were someone else, ask yourself, "What awareness comes up about myself when I resonate with the experience this energy being is currently having in my interpretation of them?"

Traditionally, past lives are described as you "being someone else in the past." This interpretation says that your soul incarnates on this planet, lives, dies, and reincarnates as a different person on the same planet but different time and space. This belief (attempting to explain the structure of reality and why specific experiences occur) has existed for thousands of years and holds enormous value.

It supports the positive experiences of Hinduism and Buddhism. Oppositionally, negative religious experiences such as Catholicism convince followers they only get one life to get it "right" or burn in Hell forever.

If anything, our only "past" life (for lack of a better example) is our childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, and middle and old age, depending on your current perspective.

There is only one moment—NOW, seen through infinitely diverse perspectives. The mechanical function of this particular time-space reality is always now, never past or future. The concept and experience of time-space are genuine, but mechanically speaking, there's only one moment—right now.

Instead of living, dying, and coming back to earth as someone else, the EXPERIENCE of a past life is you connecting with another Nonphysical consciousness energy, who is "alive and well" in this NOW moment, or perhaps you are interpreting the energetic imprint of another soul's experience on the time-space continuum.

HOW you interpret the vibrations you translate depends on your current knowledge base ("filters.") But in this example, you interpret that experience as a "past life" because of your active belief.

What happens when you visit an energy worker or reader, and they tell you about a past or future life?

Let's start at the beginning so it's easier to understand these experiences from a different POV.

  1. You exist as an infinite Nonphysical consciousness (spirit). You will always exist as energy/vibration and use your playful nature to experience different forms such as spirit, Source, and the "you" you know yourself to be as a human.
  2. As a Nonphysical vibrational being, you interpret experiences and create meaning based on your active beliefs and the "rules" of the reality you're focused upon. The "rules" of this time-space reality include gravity, the perception of cause and effect, contrast, time, space, frequency (vibrational) interpretation, emotional resonance, ideas as form and patterns, and the (relative consistency) of belief systems, to mention a few.
  3. As Nonphysical consciousness, you chose to experience this particular time-space reality because of the enormous value in seeing your infinite, eternal, Source-connected self from a NEW POV. The contrast in this time-space reality is like nothing else in the multiverse. Since you're eternal, you considered participating in a limited POV reality unavailable anywhere else a vast creative advantage.
  4. Other "people" (energetic entities and other individual eternal Nonphysical consciousness) have also opted into this reality experience for the same reasons.
  5. As Non-physical consciousness participates in the gameplay of this "lower density" reality, you need a way to interpret vibrational experiences. In addition to the physical senses of sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell, you agreed to the "invisible" vibrational interpretations of emotion and intuition. You agreed to see yourself in specific ways that allow for exploring unique ideas, such as, "I am separate." "I am less than." and "I am limited."
  6. To experience the concept of consistency, you agree that beliefs + emotions would create meaning. Consistency, as an experience, is created when thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, etc., are repetitious. Repetition creates a feeling of security: the sun rises and sets, seasons change, people are born, and then they die, and seconds, minutes, days, weeks, and years glue it all together. 
  7. Beliefs are "filters" or "lenses" through which Nonphysical consciousness flows. They provide the security of consistency and create patterns. Think of beliefs as the mold on the end of a Play-Doh machine. If you have a circle on the end, the Playdoh (i.e., your consciousness) comes out the end in a circular shape. If you have a square, it comes out square-shaped. Your beliefs are the mold shapes in this analogy. Your consciousness is the Play-Doh.
  8. On the particular earth-plane frequency upon which you've focused for a limited time to create the illusion of separateness, it appears there's an external and internal reality. Physical reality is not separate, however. It takes place "inside" your infinite and expansive Nonphysical consciousness. It exits ON a frequency to which you've focused.
  9. You are a translator of vibration. So is every other vibrational being you encounter in this reality.
  10. You can ONLY interpret your frequency. You can match the frequency of another being, but you don't read their energy. You "read" (translate) your interpretation of your energy.
  11. You translate your energy based on your active beliefs and the rules of this time-space reality. Your beliefs create the MEANING behind the interpretation.
  12. There is no Law of Insertion. No one can INSERT their energy into your reality. There is only the Law of Vibrational Interpretation—meaning you interpret YOUR energy based on what vibrations you choose to match in your consciousness.  

When someone reads your energy, they are technically reading THEIR energy which matches an "external" frequency (you). They interpret that energy according to their active beliefs. If their interpretation of the energy they're matching and defining as reincarnation rings true for you, then you interpret the experience according to your active beliefs.

Fun fact: When you meet someone in your reality, you create a vibrational interpretation of that person based on how you see the world. This vibrational interpretation is similar to how a computer or cell phone works. When you host a Zoom call, the computer creates a vibrational rendition of your guest based on interpretive coding. Each guest takes away an individualized interpretation of the others on the call and the situation. When you speak with your Mom on the phone, you don't hear her actual voice. It's a digital interpretation of the frequency of her voice. Everything in this reality is a vibrational interpretation. You are an expert vibrational interpreter.

If you BELIEVE an energy healer or reader can tell you something about yourself, such as who you were in a "past life" or will be in a "future life," then you will experience it this way because it matches your belief about past lives.

If you BELIEVE an energy healer can identify a medical condition by "reading your energy," then your experience will align with this belief.

Experiential learning is the ONLY valid form of learning. Beliefs are legitimized and emphasized because they FEEL real. Beliefs are meaningless until they become emotionalized. Emotions are what make things feel real, and when they feel real, they reinforce the current belief. This is the consistency I mentioned above.

When an energy practitioner reads their energy after matching yours and tells you what they see, you decide if the information is relevant based on how it FEELS. The information's accuracy is less important than how you relate to it.

In the case of "past lives," it is inaccurate to say you were someone else. An energy healer "reads" their energy (i.e., matches yours) for their purposes. That sounds strange, I know. We are so familiar with the idea that other people can tell us "secrets" about ourselves because they can "see" what we can't. The idea that other people read (or even "take on") the energy of others is a robust paradigm.

What purpose would an energy healer have for interpreting your energy in a specific way? It reinforces the active belief the energy healer has while simultaneously allowing you to decide what is relevant for you.

This time-space reality is a MIRROR for better knowing ourselves. It is a mirror for both the client and the healer. The healer doesn't have a "leg up" on the client. They only believe they do, and so do you, which makes it all feel so real.

The energy healer mirrors something they energetically translate, and you do the same. This reality is all about self-awareness. The co-creative human experience is 100% about SELF-awareness. By experiencing seemingly external energies, we get to decide what is true for us, what we'd prefer to change, and what feels important to keep consistent (for now) as a belief system.

Consciousness doesn't exist outside of itself. It creates experiences within itself to know itself from a different POV. Participating in a time-space reality where we appear separate and appear to have no control is fun! Nowhere in the universe can you create this new POV about yourself.

I realize this new description doesn't seem to jive with the anthem of "serving others." Energy healers (myself included) love helping other people heal. It's one of our most coveted mantras.

We LOVE serving others and helping when and where we can. Many an energy healer's identity revolves around helping others and the idea of being able to "manipulate" a client's energy, body, health, trauma, etc.

What's actually happening in energy work? The client decides to match our healing vibration and creates the results themselves. A person's conclusion about HOW that happens depends on their beliefs about healing and energy work. There is no Law of Insertion in this time-space reality. Energy is never "inserted" into another person's reality.

The idea that an energy healer can "push" their energy into a client's reality creating healing for them, is a misunderstanding regarding how energy translation works and its true purpose. A healer appears to heal the client from our limited, authoritative-thinking human perspective, but one can't insert energy into someone else's reality.

Fun Fact: "Others" are simply a vibrational translation you create in your reality to know yourself and your beliefs more clearly, and you provide the same reflective "healing service" for them. You and I exist as connected infinite energy beings on the spirit level. Looking through the physical lens of limitation, we play with new ideas for continual soul growth and expansion, such as you "heal" me  ..... or I you. You can only heal yourself, but using "permission slips" such as healing sessions and ideas like past lives is fun.

Please don't misunderstand; I love energy healers. I am an "energy healer," a "spiritual mentor," and an "intuitive." Being an "energy worker" is a powerful permission slip for thousands of people to align with better mental, physical, and emotional health.

It's okay that we use each other people, places, experiences, and ideas as permission slips to create our healing. 💕 Connection and trust are powerful tools for personal growth.

Despite this reality being about spiritual sovereignty and individuality, it's also very much about what others can mirror for us and vice versa. Being grateful for the reflections of both contrast and harmony provide is why we wanted to project our consciousness into this time-space reality.

What exists "outside" of you (again, other energy sources exist, but the translation of that energy structure—person, place, or thing, depends on your active beliefs) reflects what is vibrationally active inside of you at this moment. You don't control other energy beings, but you do control how you interpret and respond to them.

This is how we learn the most about ourselves: when a separate energy reflects what WE believe to be accurate or clarifies what we no longer prefer to hold as an active belief. The reflection is happening inside the vastness of our Nonphysical consciousness as we vibrate at different frequencies. 

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