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What does "It's all about the journey" mean?

beliefs intuition journey process Nov 05, 2023

***The above video is from my daily check-ins (Oct. 2023) with The Best Intuitive Training Summit on the Planet Facebook attendees. I not only talk about process and story structure, but I also talk about red and green light synchronicities. The video is not only about today's blog post topic—process; I thought it was worth including because it explains other relevant topics.***

If you've been hanging around planet Earth for a while now, then you've probably heard the turn of phrase, "Life is a journey," or "Enjoy the journey (of life)."

What does "journey" mean?

How is the experience of the process or path from here to there created? How does one enjoy the ups and downs more?

How can you feel less like things are happening to you and more like things are happening through you?

Let's break down the idea of the process into a discernable idea.

As I always do, let's start with what we already know to be true:

  • We are Nonphysical consciousness creating the limited-time experience of physical reality.
  • There's only ONE moment in time—now.

You are a Nonphysical consciousness, which means the real you isn't encapsulated in a body. The real you is timeless, pure energy—the basis of which is the frequency of love. You are an extension of an eternal and connected to All-That-Is Source energy. You are a reflection of an intelligent, loving, infinite consciousness.

You exist in this state of eternal, Nonphysical energy, a small portion of which is having this time-sensitive physical experience. The portion of your consciousness creating a physical experience didn't disconnect from the whole YOU.

Physical reality is being constructed "inside" your overall Nonphysical consciousness, which is how you're still connected to the love-based, eternal You.

I know it feels like your physical reality is separate from the spirit you. That's the whole point. Physical reality is about experiencing the idea of separation from the whole. You are never disconnected from Source energy; it's just an idea you're exploring for a short duration.

How do you deal with the idea that you're separate from LOVE? How do you make sense of the concept of limitation— limited self and time? (The idea of limitation sounds like, "I'm not enough." "There isn't enough money, love, time, etc." "I can't." "I'm not loveable.")

This is the whole point of creating a dense, "low frequency," limited-time and space experience within the safety of your overall Nonphysical consciousness: it gives you a new point of view regarding your eternal self. It's a POV that you could not have generated any other way.

Separation from love (i.e., Source Energy, God, All-That-Is, The One, Universal Consciousness) isn't real; it's imaginary. You're pretending that you're not still connected to the whole of the universe. What a magician you are!

You're looking at a limited-time experience through a low-frequency (physical) lens, which only an enlightened being can do.

Welcome to enlightenment. It's a "messy," low-frequency experience created by a skilled, high-frequency connected to All-That-Is eternal being: YOU. Can you embrace how exceptional you are?

The experience of physical reality is designed to create the unique experience you're having today. Feeling detached from spirit gives you a new perspective on yourself that you could not have created any other way. This human POV is special and unique. You are a gifted creator!

You are not detached from spirit; it just feels this way to create the unique, limited-time experience of separation.

It's strange to think of physical reality as a transitory dream. It feels so real, so concrete and tangible. But the fact is, it takes energy and focus to maintain, and it doesn't last. This is how you know it's not the real you: it's hard work, and it'll eventually disappear.

The real YOU is maintenance-free and eternal.

To help explain the idea that life is transitory and the real you is eternal, loving energy, I'm sharing a short passage from my award-winning book, The Halfways: A Guidebook for Strengthening Your Intuitive Connection. In it, I explain the unique energy transmission I experienced when my mom transitioned from cancer in 1990.

Seconds after Mom transitioned, it happened.

The “it” I’m referring to is undeniably knowing what happens when we die: all the pain and suffering experienced through the physical lens disappears. Poof! We don’t take any hate, revenge, or jealousy with us when we transition back into 100% Nonphysical consciousness. All the negativity we’ve been holding onto evaporates.

We instantly return to the stream of well-being from which we came. The physical lens through which consciousness looks, creating the physical experience, blinks out, and all that’s left is the Nonphysical lens. We are aware of the connection that was always present.

I understood it all at that moment. All was well, and I felt it. I understood ideas such as who we really are and that all is well no matter what happens in our experience. It took me over 25 years to find the words to explain these ideas.

In hindsight, the situation of Mom transitioning and me witnessing it, precisely as I did, was part of a soul contract made on the spirit level. We agreed that she would transition first, offering “telempathic” insight about what it means to be part of universal consciousness.

If I were ready, I would receive that sacred knowledge, enriching my human experience.

Mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer six weeks before. The doctors offered no solutions; chemotherapy wasn’t an option. She stayed at my brother’s house under hospice care, making her as comfortable as possible.

I had just turned 20 years old when Mom died. I was a regular kid with no interest in metaphysical or esoteric topics. I knew nothing about spirits, intuition, or the afterlife. That’s why what I experienced seemed so bizarre at the time. I wasn’t looking to understand the mysteries of the universe.

From her physical POV, Mom didn’t want to die, which is probably why her transition felt more like a rubber band snapping back into place than a gentle retraction to me. From her spiritual POV, she was ready. No one retracts their consciousness from this physical POV before they’ve learned what they need to on a soul level. We create our reality on all levels.

Mom was 53 when she transitioned. Immediately after she took her last breath, I felt what became of her energy. It was so unconditional. It was pure love.

It was the most expansive, loving feeling I’d ever felt. It was pure positivity. Mom was still the personality construct I’d known her to be (she was still Mom), but now she was more—more of the love that constitutes the real us. She reemerged into All-That-Is as we all do.

Mom and me a few months before she transitioned.

Since you understand yourself to be a Nonphysical, eternal being, let's move on to how you create the experience of process, also known as "journey."

There's only one moment: NOW. So, how can there be a process? Process, by definition, is consecutive order: one after the other. It's a time-based concept.

What's truly happening when you experience the passage of time? The one moment is seen through infinite perspectives, creating infinite options and POVs.

If you were standing outside a one-hundred-story building looking in, depending on the time of day, weather, time of year, how you're feeling, which window you're looking through, etc, you can imagine how many different POVs are possible.

This is similar to examining the ONE-moment in time from different POVs as you "travel" through time and space. (You're not actually traveling through time-space. Instead, your Nonphysical consciousness is "seeing" the ONE perspective from new POVs by shifting its focus—which makes it appear as if you're "traveling." As consciousness shifts its focus, a sense of movement through time-space is created.

You see the ONE moment from a different vantage point depending on your age, place on the globe, cultural upbringing, emotional, financial, psychological, physical, or mental state. There are so many variables in this physical dimension that the possibilities of new POVs are endless.

The idea of time is created inside your Nonphysical consciousness. The best analogy I've ever heard to explain this idea is that of a filmstrip.

A filmstrip, or movie, is created by light projecting through individual frames. Each still frame contains an image. The light focusing on different frames at a fast rate is what creates the sense of time passing.

If 1000 frames contain the same image, it appears unchanged. Light moves from one image to another, but movement is not discernable. If each frame is different, it appears as if things are changing. This is how we (our consciousness) create the time-space experience.

The "light" in this analogy is your Nonphysical consciousness. The "frames" are the infinite POVs accessible to your unique personality construct.

I imagine creating my daily reality as similar to having access to infinite frames. I get to collate any frames I want in any order to create the "story structure" I'm currently exploring. Somedays, things are "hard," and some days they're "easy." It's all a part of my desire to explore the ideas of separation and realignment.

I once heard a quantum physicist posture that there are over 9 billion "frames" (moments of now) in one second. The processing rate for physical reality is fast. It's so fast you'd never guess that you're gathering all the frames and creating the "movie."

Most days, it feels as if the frames (story structure) are already in place, and you're just there for the ride. Life feels out of control when you don't understand how you construct it moment-by-moment by "collating" frames.

There are infinite frames from which you choose.

There are frames of abundance and limitation. There are frames of love and hate. There are frames of justice and injustice.

You are choosing frames according to your chosen life "themes." Before creating the idea of a limited physical reality inside your overall consciousness, you got very excited about exploring specific themes.

Think of themes as hallways. You will walk down a specific hallway no matter what. However, you get to decide HOW you'll walk it. Will you open every door? Will you hop, skip, or jump? Will you spin around or roll down the hallway? Will you sing or never utter a sound? YOU DECIDE in each moment of NOW.

In conclusion, how will you decide to create your experience of "Life's a journey." What frames will you collate according to your life themes? How will you respond to your ability to investigate new POVs?

It's not bad to create a sense of limitation. It's not wrong to feel less than. This reality, which you create inside the safety of your infinite loving Nonphysical consciousness, supports it all. Why? Because it knows the benefits of new POVs. And it loves unconditionally.

Bravo. Well done, Enlightened One. You're doing a fantastic job creating this limited-time, unique time-space reality experience. 

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