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Using Fear for Positive Results

Aug 01, 2021

I conducted a survey to discover more about the interests of those who follow my work as a spiritual teacher. The responses to one of the questions shocked me.

Before I tell you what the question was and why it’s so concerning, allow me to quickly bring you up to speed.

I’ve been hanging out in the the self-help world since 2012 when I earned a C.H.E.K Holistic Lifestyle Level I Certification. Part of my training was on healthy lifestyle habits and the other part focused on spiritual development. I was immediately smitten with the idea of expanding spiritual awareness and connecting with my Higher Self.

From 2014 on, I spent more time on the personal development playground by working with Bob Proctor for a few years as well as continuing to study the works of great teachers such as Napoleon Hill and Jane Roberts. 

As I started to blend what I was learning with my own channeled spiritual guidance, I noticed a few inconsistencies in some of the self-help teachings. This prompted me to write and teach my own material questioning some long-standing beliefs, one of which is the idea of being fearless.

The responses to the question, Do you think it’s possible to live fearlessly? shocked me.

One hundred percent of the respondents answered, “Yes!” living fearlessly was a viable option.

A quick google search on the words ‘live fearlessly’ would lead you to the same conclusion. Hundreds of authors, coaches, and mentors stand at the ready to lead you to the promised land.

I admit it’s a tantalizing thought. I, too, worked really hard to make this my reality for many years. I worked on subconscious beliefs, set bigger goals, and even tried the fake it ’til you make it approach. 

Who doesn’t want to live fearlessly? Utopian ideas are intoxicating. 

Fear is scary; it causes paralysis. The fight or flight response has proven negative side effects in the body. It seemed logical that the only thing keeping me from living the life I wanted and receiving the love I desired was fear. 

The sooner it’s banished from the mental landscape, the better.

Or maybe not? Maybe we’ve been getting it wrong for thousands of years?

What if we’ve misunderstood the beneficial role fear plays in sculpting our realities?

What if fear was actually meant to be used for positive results?

If I told you to remove the gas gauge from your car, you’d smirk at my idiocy and explain the dangers of such a maneuver. It would be illogical and dangerous, you’d say, to remove such an essential indicating mechanism from a moving vehicle. 

You’d explain that I need that particular gauge to tell how much gas I have at all times and that I’d want to know if my tank was nearing empty. 

If I didn’t know the fuel level, I couldn’t know when I needed to stop and refuel. I would not want to end up marooned on a desolate county road in a snowstorm with below freezing temperatures in the dead of night.

Safety first. Never remove that gauge. Not. Even. A. Part. Of. It.

Yet, there’s a current and active dialog in the self-help community which celebrates and encourages the idea of removing a piece of one’s emotional gauge: fear.

Live fearlessly! Get rid of the thing that appears to be what’s holding you back from everything you want in life and Voila! Problem solved.

This is where we need to revolutionize our thinking. Accepting fear as a tool for positive change is essential in the next phase of our human spiritual development.

Fear has its place at the table and is as valuable and transformative as gratitude and love. It’s as irreplaceable as the fuel gauge in your car, enabling you to safely get from where you are to where you want to be in life.

However, claiming fear’s importance as equal to that of love can seem premature until you consider our origin story. 

Humans are one of the most unique species in the universe. We are, forever and always, spiritual beings having a physical experience. 

Upon incarnation, we agree to rules of play. One of those parameters is that we’re so emotionally endowed even our language is inadequate to describe the full range of emotions we have at our disposal.

In order to remain in the proverbial driver’s seat and stay oriented to the path so we don’t get stranded, we come primed knowing the intrinsic value of every emotion from the most contracted—fear, to the most expansive—love.

From the vantage point of our spiritual selves, it’s imperative our physical selves have a way to always know where we are in relation to where we want to be in life.

This awareness is called vibrational relativity.

Vibrational relativity is no different than the normal concept of relativity. It’s a way to determine the relationship between to opposing things. For example, hot is hot because cold is cold. Up and down are meaningful concepts because of their relationship to one another. Left isn’t left without the understanding of right.

Since consciousness is non-physical energy vibrating at different frequencies, these frequencies must be identifiable in the human form. For this, we have emotions. Feelings accurately tell us, in each moment of time, where we are in relation to where we want to be—vibrationally.

Thinking about your goal but feeling doubt? I’m going to bet that the goal you want isn’t something that brings you fear; it brings you joy. You’ll need to get to the vibration of joy in order realize it. 

Thus, being aware of when you’re not in the vibration of joy is essential information to your knowing where you are in relation to where you want to be.

Wishing you had a happier marriage but get massive knots in your stomach just thinking about it? There’s some vibrational distance between you and that manifestation and those fearful knots are helping you understand what you need to do next.

Emotions are both the fuel gauge and the map.

Not yet convinced we should we stop striving to live fearlessly? 

Reality is created first on a vibrational level, second on a material. It’s not the other way around which should set off alarms bells as to the importance of knowing your emotional tendencies. Reality is a delayed representation of your vibrational habits and patterns.

If you don’t like your results or consider them negative, knowing how you’re vibrating on a non-physical level is crucial to changing your physical reality.

This is why you don’t need to expend any more energy trying to live fearlessly. Instead, welcome fear to the team and learn to use it to create positive results by pivoting away from it when it shows up.

Fear is there to let you know you’re heading in a direction you don’t prefer and now is a great time to shift your energy.

To become an accomplished “pivoter”, you must practice. Recognize and honor fear-based emotions. We do not need to fear, fear.

Get to know what negative emotions are telling you. Allow your self-awareness to expand. Change your definition of fear from something you need to be rid of to something that is essential to getting your positive results sooner.


Fear is an essential part of your physical operating system. When you recognize low vibe feelings or any derivation of them—anger, jealousy, anxiety, rage, you have just acquired valuable information. Don’t run from it or deny it.

Stop. Take a deep breath. Pivot. Repeat.

Understand that fear doesn’t mean your life is over or that you’ll never create the life you want. It simply means you’re heading in a direction you don’t prefer.

Make a U-turn, when possible.

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