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The Problem With ChatGPT

ai chatgpt limiting beliefs problems Mar 28, 2023

Have you heard of the new AI software ChatGPT? If not, you've probably seen the advertisements that say, Write quality blog posts [articles, social media posts, papers, etc.) in seconds.

ChatGPT is a new AI technology. "GPT stands for generative pre-trained transformer, which is a type of large language model neural network that can perform various natural language processing tasks such as answering questions, summarizing text, and generating lines of code."

I tried it out for my last blog post. At first, I thought, Sweet! Writing blogs and social media posts will take me much less time!

Amy Porterfield (who seems lovely) talked about this technology in a recent video with her group of Subscribed clients. She was so excited, so I decided to check it out.

It didn't take more than five queries to realize this while this is an incredible invention, it can't replicate personality, tone, or unique voice.

Will it save you time? Absolutely. 

Are you going to get accurate search results? Seems like it at the moment.

Does it take into consideration your writing tone and individualized thought process? Nope.

Is it able to suggest individualized answers to questions? Not as much as you'd hope.

If everyone writes blog posts based on the same search questions, there will be a lot of repetition. Repetition is monotonous and not so helpful. I find it incredibly dull.

What I enjoy about reading a blog post is feeling the personality and unique perspective of the author. I like experiencing different tones and writing styles. You won't get what makes life enjoyable—diversity of thought and perspective, if everyone uses the same AI to write their blog and social media posts.

On Tuesday, I asked ChatGPT, "Can you give me some examples of limiting beliefs?" Here's what it said:

  1. I'm not good enough.
  2. I don't have the skills or abilities to succeed.
  3. I'm too old/young to pursue my dreams.
  4. Success is only for lucky people, not me.
  5. I'm not smart/creative/charismatic enough to succeed.
  6. People won't like me if I'm successful.
  7. I don't have enough money/resources/opportunities to achieve my goals.
  8. I do not deserve success or happiness.
  9. I always fail, so there's no point in trying.
  10. It's too risky to take a chance and pursue my dreams.

These limiting beliefs can be deeply ingrained and may hold you back from achieving your goals and living your best life. However, by identifying and challenging these beliefs, you can transform them into positive motivators and start to see yourself and your abilities in a new light. Remember, you can achieve great things, and limiting beliefs do not define you.

On Wednesday, I asked it the same question. Here's what it said. (I put all my work through Grammarly, so it reads slightly differently than text pasted straight from ChatGPT.)

  1. "I'm not good enough": This belief can lead to feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and a lack of confidence.

  2. "I'm not smart enough": This belief can hold people back from pursuing their goals or trying new things, leading to thoughts of self-doubt and insecurity.

  3. "I'm not worthy of love": This belief can lead to difficulties in relationships, feelings of loneliness or isolation, and a lack of self-love.

  4. "I'll never be successful": This belief can hold people back from pursuing their dreams, taking risks, or trying new things.

  5. "I'm too old/too young": This belief can limit people from trying new things or pursuing their goals based on age.

  6. "I'm not creative": This belief can keep people from exploring their creative potential or trying new hobbies.

  7. "Money is hard to come by": This belief can lead to a scarcity mindset and difficulties managing finances.

These are just a few examples, but many limiting beliefs can impact our lives differently. It is essential to identify and challenge these beliefs to overcome them and create a more positive and empowering mindset.

On Tuesday, I asked ChatGPT how to change my limiting beliefs, and here's what it said:

Limiting negative beliefs can keep us from achieving our goals and living our best lives. These beliefs can be rooted in fear and can prevent us from taking risks and pursuing our dreams. However, we can transform these limiting beliefs into positive motivators with the right mindset and tools. In this blog post, we'll explore some practical steps you can take to change fear related to limiting negative beliefs.

  • Identify your limiting beliefs.

The first step in transforming fear related to limiting negative beliefs is to identify what those beliefs are. Ask yourself what negative thoughts you have about yourself and your abilities. Do you believe you need to be better? Do you think you'll fail no matter what? Write these beliefs down and acknowledge them.

  • Challenge your beliefs

Once you've identified your limiting beliefs, challenge them. Ask yourself if there's any evidence to support these beliefs. Often, our limiting beliefs come from fear and not actual evidence. Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations. For example, if you believe you're not good enough, challenge that belief by reminding yourself of times when you succeeded and did well.

  • Visualize success

Visualizing success can help you overcome limiting beliefs and build confidence. Take time to visualize yourself succeeding and achieving your goals. Imagine what it would feel like to achieve your goals and visualize the steps you need to take. Visualizing can help you reframe your mindset and build confidence in your abilities.

  • Take action

Taking action is critical to transforming fear related to limiting negative beliefs. Start by setting small, achievable goals and take steps towards them. Celebrate small victories and build momentum. By taking action, you'll see that your limiting beliefs are less potent than you once thought.

  • Surround yourself with positivity.

Surround yourself with positivity and people who support your goals. Positive people can help you stay motivated and encourage you to pursue your dreams. Seek out mentors and coaches who can provide guidance and support.

In conclusion, limiting negative beliefs can prevent us from achieving our goals, but we can transform them into positive motivators with the right mindset and tools. By identifying our limiting beliefs, challenging them, visualizing success, taking action, and positively surrounding ourselves, we can overcome our fears and achieve our goals. Remember, it's not about eliminating fear but learning to use it to help us succeed.

I asked the same question on Wednesday, and here's what it said:

Changing limiting negative beliefs can be a challenging but rewarding process. Here are some steps you can take to start changing your beliefs:

  1. Identify your limiting beliefs: Pay attention to the negative thoughts and ideas that come up for you in different situations. Write them down and try to understand where they come from.
  2. Challenge your beliefs: Once you've identified your limiting beliefs, ask yourself if they are true. Are there other ways of looking at the situation? What evidence do you have that supports these beliefs, and what evidence contradicts them?
  3. Reframe your beliefs: Instead of seeing situations through the lens of your limiting beliefs, try to reframe them in a more positive and empowering way. For example, instead of thinking, "I'm not good enough," try thinking, "I'm capable of learning and growing."
  4. Practice self-compassion: Changing beliefs can be complicated, and being kind and compassionate with yourself is crucial. Recognize that it's okay to make mistakes and have setbacks along the way.
  5. Take action: Challenge yourself to take action in the face of your limiting beliefs. Actions can help you build confidence and experience success, which can, in turn, reinforce more positive thoughts about yourself and your abilities.

Remember that changing your beliefs takes time and effort, but with practice and persistence, you can overcome limiting negative thoughts and cultivate a more positive and empowering mindset. If you're struggling to make progress on your own, consider seeking the support of a therapist or coach who can help you work through these challenges.

 Is this information accurate? Yes.

Is it helpful? Indeed.

Did I read it thoroughly after cutting and pasting it into this post? Kind of. I mostly skimmed it. While editing, I decided to color code similar ideas to help you see the repetition. If you see similar blogs in the future, you'll know they were AI-generated posts

Did I feel less inclined to check my work for content accuracy and grammar? Absolutely.

Can I recite what's in this post? Not really. Maybe if I read it back several times. I won't be able to tell you what it said later today because I didn't write most of it. AI did. It didn't take much intellectual fortitude on my part.

ChatGPT gives us a great place to start. I'm not discounting the benefits of making our lives easier. It gave me great recommendations.

But because AI generated most of this post and all I did was cut and paste, it did nothing to strengthen my writing or creative ability.

To become better writers, we must write. To truly absorb certain concepts, we must go beyond memorization or autogeneration. We must create the old-school way—one thought and word at a time.

I understand that those who don't enjoy or have challenges with writing will find AI services a lifesaver. But I feel as though exercising caution is best when it comes to asking AI to write all our content for us.

Writing is an intense point of focus. It's an expression of your authentic self. Writing helps you work through individual thought processes and come to unique conclusions. Are we honestly ready to give unique personal growth for brevity?

Will I be using AI-generated posts in the future? No. I might use it to see what it suggests, but I'll use my unique thought process to write posts. It's so much more satisfying.


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