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Red Light, Green Light: A Channeled Message

channeled message meditation present moment universal truths May 29, 2023

I've been channel-writing for years. I've written several books on spiritual topics, the most recent being The Halfways: A Guidebook for Strengthening Your Intuitive Connection. Sharing that knowledge with my voice instead of a pen is new for me.

A few years ago, I decided I'd enjoy remembering the knowledge, learning, and adventures my spirit (Nonphysical consciousness) has while I'm asleep at night. And now I do. I often wake up with new ideas and understanding about the nature of consciousness in this time-space reality.

I enjoy vocal channeling in the morning when the knowledge is fresh. Lingering in bed (when I can) and "downloading" messages is fun.

Red Light, Green Light is a recently channeled message about shifting your POV regarding problems and "things that go wrong."

In my mind's eye, I saw red and green lights. I felt color equality: neither is "good" nor "bad." I realized how spirit feels about contrast and how that's different from the physical perspective. I stepped into an available knowing during the channeling, which helped me see my problems differently.

Regularly (in real life), we judge one experience as good and another as bad. We label and fear that which we deem as "bad." We celebrate only that which we qualify as "good."

I hope this loving, channeled message helps you visualize how to equalize your emotional reaction. I realize that feeling neutral in visualization is much easier than feeling neutral in real life.

But, if feeling neutral for a few seconds helps you feel less triggered in a "bad" situation, that's good progress. Those energetic shifts, even if few and far between, definitely helps with the overall experience.

Enjoy the video.




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