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Patterns—Are they subconscious?

empowerment mindset positive thinking self-help spirituality subconscious mind Sep 11, 2016

The following is an excerpt from my forthcoming book, Accelerate Your Mojo: 7 Simple Steps to Ignite Intuition, Shake off Fear, and Unleash the Real You, published in the spring of 2017.

If you've been around the self-help industry, you'll recognize the term subconscious mind. You might believe you have one sabotaging your life and must spend time and energy reprogramming it.

But do you?

This excerpt comes from a section of my book called "Bite-sized Conversations," about how we create our realities and is in a question-and-answer format. 


Question: Allison, you said something about two ways to know what I believe to be true for and about myself. What are they? How do I uncover beliefs I want to change?

Patterns exist in everything. Even chaos has patterns. Our relationship, health, jobs, and money results are patterns. They are either patterns of ease, discomfort, or a mixture. They are both visible and invisible.

Visible patterns are tangible see-it-with-your-eyes experiences—birthed from invisible patterns of feeling and thinking. "Hidden" inner experiences are often described as "intangible" because they lack physical form. From my point of view, they are not subconscious—if by subconscious you mean hidden from your conscious awareness and emotional radar. 

This next idea describes how tangible experiences appear in our realities.

If a thought doesn't have an emotion co-creating with it, it's not powerful enough to cause an uncomfortable or pleasurable experience. If an idea DOES have a feeling "attached" to it, it automatically gains momentum. It it has enough power to create a visible outcome, situation, or circumstance.

You have clear evidence of this in your life already.

As the owner of this life experience, your job is not to dig into the massive, murky underworld of the mind. Instead pay closer attention to how you feel and what is present—right now, in your physical reality. Doesn't that feel easier, less time-consuming, and cheaper than the suggested alternatives?

If a thought has an emotion attached to it, then by definition, it's not subconscious. You can feel it right there with the fingertips of awareness.

Subconsciousness, as I understand it, is a concept regarding the mind. It refers to a section of the mind suspected of storing ideas, memories, and thoughts. It's also been said it holds the power to use these ideas, memories, and thoughts to stimulate an outcome in our lives without our full knowledge, awareness, or consent. Standard dogma purports we're at the mercy of the subconscious. This POV disempowers.

From what I can tell, and based on my experience, research, and field testing, this differs from how our realities get created. An uncontrollable sub section of mind is a theory that has served us well for many years, but it might be time to rethink it.

It seems that when people use this word—subconscious— they are implying something is "being done" to them. Similar to when they say, "Mercy is in retrograde. What can I do?!" I suspect this sub mind concept was used on a large-scale basis as an excuse to describe results we don't want and don't know how to take responsibility for or explain.

People say, "It's my subconscious mind that caused me to ______." Or, "I can't help it. It's subconscious."

What if the subconscious theory is outdated? What if it's time to change our minds about our minds? What if we know more about ourselves as Nonphysically focused, pure positive energy-sourced beings and a disobedient subconscious mind theory isn't logical anymore?

Many people believe the above definition of the subconscious so vehemently they go blind to relevant information. They think with their whole being that a part of their mind sabotages them or needs reprogramming.

They fervently believe there's no way to access this mental repository without expert guidance, music, or visual stimulation, so this is their reality. Without your knowledge, the idea that there is a part of your mind that can sabotage your life has been part of our culture for over one hundred years.

Here's a new idea for consideration.

Your mind and body are not "hiding" anything vital for you to be happy and fulfilled right now. They are not out to get you, make your life miserable, make you work harder, or induce unnecessary struggle.

While every thought that's ever been thought still exists, the ones you need to work with TODAY are already known by you. If there is something you need to know for your well-being and vitality at this moment, your inner being is helping you become aware of it by how you feel. You're also making yourself aware of it by your words, actions, and results. All of these are overt.

You've just been so keen on the idea that you had no way of knowing specific thoughts you've been ignoring the clues. The misconstrued notion that we came forth from non-physical-connected-to-Source-energy into a physical form missing diagnostic tools for optimal health and well-being, isn't logical.

That would mean that Infinite Intelligence spawned a highly-intelligent, free-willed creature—a human, and somehow forgot to include all the necessary tools for creating a happy, healthy experience. Really? Does it even seem logical that as a child of a loving, kind, all-knowing Source, you'd come forth to prosper without all the necessary tools?

I suppose if you believe in a vengeful, righteous God, it does make sense. But I don't believe is such non-sense. The fundamental energy of the universe is benevolent.

It's much more likely that you're used to tolerating certain emotions that quickly whiz through your conscious mind (awareness). It's much more likely that you've convinced yourself something is being inserted into your experience over which you have no control.

Thoughts and feelings can be so familiar you barely notice they're occurring, but you do. With a little bit of focused attention, your awareness about how you function as a highly creative being increases. Tap into the real you and watch how you accelerate your happiness and results.

Do you accept this as your definition of how reality gets created? Are you willing to question the belief that critical information for your health, happiness, and well-being is hidden?

If you are, you'll find that desired outcomes are revealed with greater speed, intensity, and satisfaction. People, conversations, gut feelings, and opportunities that have always been there, but overlooked by your eyes and ears, will suddenly appear.

Beliefs that are out of alignment with who we are, what most people call "limiting subconscious" beliefs because they are of a lower vibration than the real you, are better described as "tolerated," "repetitive," or "chronic" beliefs. They're given form by feeling and thinking a certain way, but they are not subconscious, as I understand the word. They're habitual and feel customary to you, so you don't notice them as much anymore.

Unconscious is different. Unconscious ideas and processes are happening in the mind and body. Your cells have a consciousness all their own, which you do not intentionally direct, but you can certainly influence when you reduce emotional resistance.

Your heart beating without instruction, your skinned knee healing on its own, and even illnesses disappearing without your direct intervention is evidence of a consciousness that we term unconscious. To me, unconscious means it's not something I have to focus on to live.

In this post, I'm referring to the confusion about the word subconscious. If subconscious is used to mean the same as unconscious, let's call it what it is and avoid confusion.

The Art of the Obvious teaches: The BELIEF in the IDEA that something is hidden from you keeps you from noticing it. Beliefs will cause temporary subject-related blindness to what is evident and tangible. Beliefs are that powerful.

I've had many conversations with people who clearly stated how they felt about a topic and what happened in their experience, which directly matched how they felt. They said, "I guess it's just my subconscious mind sabotaging me."


Further, if there's no emotion associated with a thought, idea, vision, or memory, then it doesn't carry enough power or momentum to create a substantial manifestation in your reality. If an idea is unconscious, it's not bothering you or disrupting your life. It doesn't have enough vibrational fortitude to make an impression in your physical world.

Therefore, you have nothing to worry about with unconscious beliefs. If an idea comes forth from your mind's "trenches," you'll know it's there because of how you feel and your results. This empowers you to change it immediately.

Doesn't this seem more logical than some hidden portion of your mind controlling your pleasant or unpleasant life experiences unbeknownst to you?

Let's look at this discussion another way.

There are two ways to witness evidence of both visible and in-visible patterns and where they emerge from. They are how you feel, which is in-side visible, and what shows up, which is out-side visible.

By hyphenating the word in-visible, I'm asking you to think about it differently. In-visible means internally discernible by way of feelings instead of invisible, which means hidden from sight. For our purposes here, in-visible means visible inside using emotion.

For example, feelings are in-visible, as are dreams. When you dream with your eyes closed, you're using internal vision. There is nothing physical to see yet you do see it. Sometimes dreams appear (feel) more real than physical reality.

When you understand your power to identify what you believe to be true for yourself regarding any situations, you'll begin using inside and outside results patterns to solve the mystery of why your request isn't showing up. When the mystery is solved, you no longer have a reason to call yourself unworthy or a victim. Now, rename yourself, Empowered.

Do your thoughts about a particular topic seem repetitive and expanding? Do you tend to focus on the one thing you don't want to happen more often than you'd prefer? Do you talk about it repeatedly on social media even though it makes you feel bad? Do you pretend as if feelings don't matter or that you're not emotional? By emotional, I don't mean theatrical. I'm not typically overly very dramatic about things that happen to me. However, I am emotional as a human being. So, are you.

Consider this question. What if feelings create matter?

You'll find through expanding awareness that your chronic way of feeling, whether good, bad, or anything in between, stimulates a thought of like vibration energy which quickly expands. Thoughts don't just matter; they create it.

At this moment, the most prominent idea you're having "attracts" or "summons" to it based on its rate of oscillation or hertz, other thoughts of a similar kind. Start connecting the dots of emotion, thought, action, and outcome in that order. Or, you can work backward from the outcome to the action, to the thought, and finally, the emotion.

What inside-outside result patterns appear for you?

You're a creator whether you like it or not. Therefore, becoming an intentional creator reduces feelings of victimhood is helpful.

Let's look at an example of what I mean by the term "creator." I chose a share a negative example here instead of a positive one. Why? Negative results are the ones we most want to change.

Let's say you call your friend who always seems to complain about her annoying neighbor. The next thing you know, you've just spent the last twenty minutes ranting about the neighbor and all the other terrible things happening in town and the world.

You hang up the phone to find you've got a worse pain in your neck and a more significant feeling of discomfort in your belly. Upon closer inspection, you realize you've secretly considered her a pain in the neck for years.

However, she's your friend, and you love her, so you put up with her rants. You willingly tolerate feeling yucky because you love her. Mom always told you to be there for your friends so you feel you're helping her by talking about it.

This is a creation, also known as a manifestation. It may not be an intentional one, but a creation or manifestation, nonetheless. Also, it's not subconscious. All the data you need to assess the situation accurately and diagnose the belief is present and available.

Instead of repeating this situation for the next year or even a lifetime, consider putting yourself and your feelings of well-being as priority number one.

Please note there is nothing wrong with the above choice or behavior. I don't teach the righteousness of an option or behavior. My work is not about shaming you or guilting you into change. I do not mean to activate fear so you can move into ease. Instead,

I'd prefer to direct your awareness toward the idea that it's only, and ever, a question of whether or not your beliefs are helping you create more of what you want in life. In the above example, the belief might be that you must put the needs of others before your own. Is this what you prefer?

What if I'm right? What if, instead of spending time and energy on the idea of the subconscious mind, you focused on how you felt today and used your current results as non-judgmental feedback for making the changes you desire?

What if this slight shift in focus frees you up to create more of what you want now?

If you found today's blog helpful, please send it to a friend or share on social media. I appreciate your help in sharing messages of hope, love, and empowerment. 

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