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How To Turn a Negative Situation Into a Positive One

negative mindset pov problems relief May 16, 2023

Thank you, Powerlessness.

Thank you, Perfectionism.

Thank you, Sadness.

Thank you, Heartbreak.

Thank you, Hopelessness.

Thank you, Fragility.

Thank you, Panic.

Thank you, Despondency.

Thank you, Failure.

Thank you, Emptiness.

Thank you, Disillusionment.

Thank you, Revulsion.

Thank you, Disassociation.

Thank you, Rage.

Thank you, Experience.

Thank you, Storm.

Life's greatest challenge is not avoiding negative situations, as that's impossible. It's how to get out from "underneath" them sooner rather than later. It's to find gratitude for it all.

Earth is the planet of contrast, essential to soul expansion and clarity. Without contrast, there is no expansion. It's important to remember you chose to focus on this time-space reality precisely because of what it offers: soul expansion and clarity.

If you can't avoid contrast (and you can't), what options do you have to feel better?

Awareness, shifting POV, and knowledge of how this reality functions. Knowledge is power when seeing a situation through a new perspective. It frees you from the chains that bind you.

It's worth repeating that YOU CAN NOT AVOID CONTRAST.

So why do you try?

Why do you run from it?

Why do you crown those who pretend it doesn't exist as evolved?

Why do you shut the drapes when it knocks at your door?

Why do you panic when it follows you into tomorrow?

Because you think it's not supposed to happen. Those who "avoid" it are ascended Masters.

No more running.

Stop. Catch your breath.

Turn and face the contrast.

She's not the beast you've made her out to be. 

She's not out to get you.

She's not insinuating you're unworthy.

She is not telling you you can't have what you desire.

She offers what nothing else can: Clarity, Surprise, and Change.

Do not be surprised when she shows up again.

Do not react as if you didn't expect her. 

Instead, greet her smiling, thanking her for a job well done.

Thank you, Flexibility.

Thank you, Change.

Thank you, Opportunity.

Thank you, Diversity.

Thank you, Options.

Thank you, Possibility.

Thank you, Newness.

Thank you, Wholeness.

Agitation and annoyance are the sympathetic nervous system's responses to vibrations of constriction, but you don't have to stay in that nervous energy now that you know contrast is expected.

Recognize when she's approaching. Identify her unique signals. Stop running. Acknowledge and welcome her presence. Invite her to the table. Ask her about her POV and how it's meant to help you shift into the being you know you are: unlimited.

Contrast is labeled "problems," "challenges," or "negative situations" because things happen that we either didn't expect or would prefer not to be dealing with. Contrast doesn't come "out of the blue," nor does she indicate your (lack of) worthiness or future success.

Pre-Requisite Understanding for Turning a Negative into a Positive

  • Everything contains multiple energetic points, three of which are: positive, negative, and neutral.
  • Within any experience, one, another, or all three POVs can be experienced. How you perceive a circumstance depends on your POV.
  • Your unique POV depends on your actives beliefs.
  • Shifting your POV is easy with practice.

Thank you, Multidimensionality.

A negative experience is one in which your energy constricts. It's one POV among many.

You experience negative thoughts and emotions. It feels like you've lost control—becoming a victim of circumstance. You are reacting to what you perceive outside of yourself. Perception alters your mind and body (but not spirit) state depending on your unique POV.

What if I told you nothing is happening "outside" yourself? It's all happening WITHIN the confines of your Consciousness.

When you release your physical POV, you instantly return your full attention to All-That-You-Are, which is unconditional love and connection to the divine energy of the universe. 

Since unconditional love and connection to everything is your "base frequency," you can access divine guidance every moment of every day—even in contrast.

Thank you, Diversity.

You have access to all the information and intelligence you need to solve any challenge with multiple solutions. With this in mind, shifting what you perceive as unfavorable is possible precisely because you're not trying to change what is happening. You only need to change your perspective—extracting the innate positive attributes of the situation. You can shift your POV now, even if it takes a few minutes or days.

I can't believe THAT happened! What am I going to do now!? is a familiar statement of frustration. The exclamation implies that you feel unprepared to handle the situation, but you are because you have a divine connection.

Thank you, Divinity.

Thank you, Spirituality.

Thank you, Free Will.

Thank you, Consciousness.

Thank you, Willingness.

Thank you, Strength.

Thank you, Perspective.

Thank you, Joy.

Thank you, Patience.

Thank you, Hopefulness.

Thank you, Change.

Thank you, Pause.

Thank you, Silence.

Thank you, Introversion.

Thank you, Breathe.

Thank you, Today.

Thank you, Past.

Thank you, Sunshine.

Thank you, Me.

Thank you.

Inspired by the Alanis Morisette song “Thank You”


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