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Are you giving away your power?

anthony william fear intuition spirit May 02, 2023

On April 26, 2023, Apple News featured an article about Anthony William, the Medical Medium. The article discusses a devotee, Stephanie Tisone's health journey and her relationship with William over the years. I encourage you to read the article and come to your conclusions.

I took away from the Apple News article two common themes:

  • Humans believe action is supposed to be a "cure-all." Action (as opposed to understanding the energy and emotion behind it) is supposed to "fix" the problem (i.e., eat "the right" foods, do "the right" actions, think "the right" thoughts).
  • A woman appeared to believe a powerful, well-known spiritual man knew more about her body and what choices were right for her than she did. And so (it seems) did the man.

In this post, my focus is shining a light on the dangers of giving away your power—especially to those who claim to know "the right choice" or to have "enlightened information," whether that's a famous (spiritual) person, a parent, or a spouse.

I am familiar with William's work. I have read many of his books, consumed Vimergy products he recommends (I didn't know of his connection to the company founders), and drank celery juice consistently for about two years. It appeared to help my chronic migraines significantly, so I stuck with it. This is not a blog post bashing William; he's been a powerful "permission slip" that helped millions find better health.

It's a call to recognize when you're fearfully giving away your power TO ANY EXTERNAL SOURCE, WHETHER THAT BE A PERSON, SITUATION, OR NONPHYSICAL ENTITY, and trusting yourself instead.

I am a massive fan of eating all forms of whole, unprocessed foods, getting plenty of rest, and living a "balanced life" as much as possible. I cook most of my meals from scratch, but not all my ingredients are organic. I don't follow fade or extreme diets. I eat gluten, dairy, and egg-free because it works best for my digestive system. Will I always eat this way? I don't know. It works for now.

I believe in being open-minded about all information, practicing balance, and listening to my inner guidance about my best choice—in each moment. I understand that the energy behind my actions is the most critical component. What works for me is not necessarily going to work for someone else, so I don't advocate for particular protocols on any topic.

My healthcare routine involves holistic and conventional approaches. I trust my allopathic doctor's opinion, am open to learning about and practicing holistic health protocols, and get regular preventative checkups. But when push comes to shove, I also understand that my health and decisions are up to me—not an outside source, no matter who that source is—someone who channels spirit or has an entire wall adorned with medical degrees. 

If you're familiar with William's story, it began at age four. One morning, the "Spirit of the Most High," began speaking to him. This spirit tells Anthony there is "no spirit above me but God." He shares with his parents that his grandmother has lung cancer, which she did, unbeknownst to her.

You can read Anthony's story in his book Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal. I encourage you to develop your opinion if you are unfamiliar with his story.

Being a channel myself, I believe that Anthony is channeling a spirit. The process of channeling is legitimate. You don't need to be channeling spirits, angels, your Higher Self, or "aliens" to be experiencing the channeling state.

When engaged in your favorite activities—in bliss, where you lose track of time, don't realize you're hungry, or have to use the bathroom and don't notice someone calling your name, you're channeling. Channeling is a "state of being" entered into by everyone—at some point. It's accessible to everyone interested in knowing how they (already) do it.

What struck me as misguided about Anthony's story are two things:

  • He talks about Spirit insisting that he do this work (mentioned in his book, not the Apple News article). He speaks about his spiritual experience as if he had no choice and that spirit "forced" him to do this work.
  • He seems to be implying (in his videos) he has the "right" answer, or at least allopathic medicine doesn't help at all.

From what I understand about us being Nonphysical consciousness, experiencing ourselves through a physical lens, 100% free will is real. No one is forced to do anything, not even by their spirit or that of another spiritual entity.

As divinely connected physically-focused spirits ourselves, no entities can command you or me to do anything. You can not be possessed by evil spirits or coerced into doing anything in this physical reality. You can have the experience of possession or coercion (Anthony had the experience of a loving spirit's "insistence") by what you TRANSLATE as benevolent or malevolent spirits, but mechanically speaking, it can't happen.

Nothing can "take over" your energy or soul. You are never forced into an action or decision. But it might feel that way if your belief and perception align with that idea.

If you create a negative experience for yourself, such as a spirit insisting you do something specific, consider investigating what active beliefs contributed to it. Ask yourself, "What would I believe is true about myself to feel like I do in this situation?"

The idea that you don't have the "right" answer for yourself is a grave misunderstanding. It can lead to situations such as when Stephanie appears to have given Anthony sole authority (test message from Apple New article) to know what decisions were best for her. When you give away your power to an outside source—because of a particular individual's interpretation of spirit communication, then you needlessly give away your power.

With millions of people, Anthony has shared his interpretation of what is wrong with them healthwise (viral overload and toxic liver, which may or may not be a "correct" interpretation of what's happening internally). When millions of people use one person as a permission slip to align with their stream of well-being (and get better), it can look like that person had the "right" answer or knows more about what's happening with your health than you do. 

But what happens when someone attempts his protocols, and they don't work for that person? Do we say the person was "wrong?" Is there something amiss with the advice? Or is something else happening?

Any action a person takes that works is evidence of using the idea—protocol or method, as a permission slip to align with their inner stream of well-being. Healing (physical, mental, emotional) occurs in the person's belief system, not in the action or protocol.

You heal yourself through alignment with your unconditional love-based Nonphysical (spirit) self. When you believe healing happens from the outside in or through action, it will seem like the (allopathic or holistic) action "did the healing."

Healers don't heal people. There is no Law of Insertion in this time-space reality. Healers line up with their source of well-being and model energetic alignment. If the person seeking healing decides to align with THEIR inner being (using the healer as the "permission slip"), healing happens. It is often misconstrued as an external source or action causing the healing. 

Jesus knew this, for example. I'm not religious and can't recite scripture, but I believe Jesus was willing to model what alignment looked like for others. When he looked at people, he saw health, not disease. Those who thought he had a magical power to heal them healed themselves and gave him credit. No external source provides internal healing; internal healing comes from a shift in one's belief system.

Alignment is when your Nonphysical and physical perspectives and energy flow in the same direction. When this cohesive, energetic flow happens, healing is natural and easy. It doesn't require work, and it's not based on a particular protocol.

This is why one protocol works for you and not for someone else. There is NO one correct answer—even if someone says it's an answer coming from a spirit one step down from God.

As a collective consciousness, we often agree that certain people act as reflectors of specific ideas, such as empowerment or disempowerment, to move past outdated paradigms.

You have 100% free will (control of your experience and perception of it), which means you can create the experience of being "out of control." That is how much you're in control of this divinely-guided earthly experience.

An example of being out of control is when you believe someone or something gets to tell you what you need to do. I am not implying you have control over others, but you have control over your perception of people and situations.

How one interprets messages from spirits is based on that individual's active beliefs (four year old's have active beliefs) and soul themes. Your active beliefs color how you interpret spirit messages. 

From what he writes in his book, William seems to have construed spirit's message as non-negotiable. Why did it happen this way? I have no idea, but it's probably related to his life's soul theme.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye: Anthony William is no more connected to the "Spirit of the Most High" than you or me. We all have an equally divine connection.

Having one person more connected than others plays to the idea of a spiritual hierarchy and accessibility.

Spiritual hierarchy and accessibility feel similar to what religious organizations have been trying to get you to believe for years: that they have a direct line to God, and you don't. HINT: I am "better" and more deserving than you.

The best way to keep people in fear and compliant is to tell them you've been chosen "by God." William seems somewhat confused about the "unconditional love of spirit" because he stokes fear, pitting allopathic medicine against holistic medicine. He hooks his followers by commiserating that conventional medicine has failed them and that he has "the answers."

Having been through the maze of allopathic medicine with one of my kids, we have had the experience of being gaslit and reaching dead ends. But on the other hand, we've gained much clarity and a few solutions. Nothing is all bad.

Is William even aware that his initial connection with most of his followers is one of fear? I don't know, but connecting with someone in fear or unconditional love matters.

Fear is an energy of constriction, division, and separation. Spiritual people can stoke as much fear as those who aren't. Fear tells you there are "right" and "wrong" answers. It gets you to pick a side. It gets you to focus outside yourself instead of listening to your intuition.

The belief that there are chosen people distorts the human experience. We have all been "chosen" and have a direct line of connection with the energy called God. When we believe others can know what is best for us, we often blind ourselves to guidance from within.

You communicate directly with the "Spirit of the Most High" through your inner wisdom and intuition. You don't need external interpreters. You can use them for clarity if you find that interesting or fun, but it's unnecessary.

And there is NO correct answer for everyone. You choose what "permission slips" work best for you based on the current situation and how you feel about your choices and actions. The energy behind your thoughts and actions matters more than the action itself.

One person might fully embrace holistic health protocols and return to good health. Another person might make the same choices and not make it.

One person might feel best about allopathic medicine protocol and return to good health. Another person might make the same decision and not make it.

One person might use protocols from both worlds and return to good health. Another person might make the same decision and not make it.

What matters most is not your decision but whether you align with that decision energetically and move away from fear as best you can. In the end, everyone taps out from the physical perspective. We don't know when or how that'll happen, but I can say with 100% certainty that no one will hold this physical gaze forever.

From what I've read about William, it appears that he's missing the awareness that how he interprets messages from spirits is based on his vibration. 

In his book, he makes it seem as if Spirit insisted and he had no choice. That makes him seem like an "acolyte" or "chosen one," which activates the human paradigm of comparison and unworthiness.

Earlier in life, I would have thought, If William is directly contacted by the "Spirit of the Most High" and I'm not, his information must be divinely inspired and more righteous than trusting myself.

I would never think that today. Now I understand that everyone is divinely connected to the most "high-level" spirits, and there are no gatekeepers to the best information for each of us.

What spirit shares and how you interpret that message are individualized experiences. No one is more divinely connected than anyone else.

How do you know when you're giving your power away?

Ask yourself, Am I trusting an external source more than my intuition? Am I making this decision out of fear or love? Discern the difference between negative, contracting energy and positive, expanding energy.

Pause on taking action when you sense you're in the energy of fear. Fear feels like things are constricting in your body and mind. Try not to over-intellectualize or force a decision out of anxiety or doubt. Remind yourself that there is NO correct answer. There are only solutions that work for you at this moment because of how you relate to them.

Tune into your inner world. Trust yourself more than you trust others to know what is the next best step for you in the situation. Move toward the ideas that give you a sense of inner peace and control over your situation.

In closing, if someone's advice works for you (as William's advice did for me for years), recognize that it's a permission slip you're using to align with your inner stream of well-being and optimal health. If it doesn't help you heal, move on and find something else that works for you (permission slip).

Whether it's Anthony William, Ghandi, or Jesus, celebrity often distorts what's happening in the healing process, but it doesn't have to. When someone has many followers, it seems they have a powerful solution, but what's happening is people use the idea of that particular person or solution to create a better state of being and positive experiences. You have the power to heal yourself.

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